It Called “PEACE” when…

When the power of love overcomes the love of a power, then the world will become a better place to live. Pray for Paris, Pray for Peace  

“Have Faith” – Life Quotes

Everyone was born with no skill, except crying. But as you grown up, difference is created. There are success people, some are not. There are leaders, there are followers, etc. So what makes the difference? We are the same from the beginning, and we will always be the same. Everyone has his own leadership, everything…

“One of the Hardest Decision” Life Quotes

Whenever I feel like everything becomes harder, all I can think about is giving up. Then I just spend my time do random googling, hoping to find something that can inspire me. And this quote makes me realize that at least there is someone (this quote creator) out there ever feel the same way. I’m…

“Choose Happy” – Life Quotes

Everyday we are all face the same basic life choices, be happy or not. I know there are a lot of things in this life that can make us unhappy. But I know there is one thing for sure that can makes us happy, called “life”.